Overcome Lovebird That Never Mates

12:20 PM
Lovebird breeding has become a promising business opportunity, both lovebird sound and lovebird color. But raising lovebird is not as easy as many people imagine. Many problems that arise, including lovebird who are not married. As a guide, here's how to deal with lovebird that never mates.
Actually lovebird is one of the bird commodities that is relatively easy to breed. In fact, we can use the colony / aviary cage, by placing several male and female birds, equipped with a number of sprouts.

As long as the lovebird has entered the production age / ready to marry (minimum age 7-8 months), they will look for a partner according to their respective tastes. Once you find a soul mate, the lovebird pair will occupy the chosen one.

The problem becomes different when male and female lovebird is matched through human assistance (owner / nurse) and placed in a battery cage. The cage of this special breeding box is usually only filled with a pair of parents.

It takes a harder struggle to match lovebird intentionally, for example, to get male A lovebird puppies who have won female B and lovebird competitions who have also won the race.
In other cases, some breeders often deliberately match the male color A and lovebird color B female lovebird to obtain a different color mutation from the two parents. Inevitably, we have to match it in the battery enclosure.
The parent pair that seems to have been matched in a battery enclosure may not be able to produce, in the sense that the female parent lay eggs, but never hatches.
Even cases like this can also be found in a colony enclosure, where male and female birds naturally mate. Even though it was already mate, and both were often in a mound, it turned out that the eggs that were hatched never hatched.
What does it mean? There are two possibilities that occur, namely:
  • Male lovebirds have married females, but all the eggs they produce are infertile.     
  • Male and female lovebirds never mate, even though they are already mate.

If the lovebird parent never mates, there are several factors, including:
  • The couple is not really matched yet. Although it looks always close together, in fact male and female lovebird have not yet fully fully integrated. Usually, one of them is too aggressive (can be a male bird, but can also be a female bird).     
  • Male birds rarely or never give / break feed to females. As is well known, the lovebird mating process usually begins after the male bird passes over the female. After the ritual, marriage can occur several times a day.    
  • Female lovebirds are diligent in tidying up hives, but are always damaged by male birds.     
  • The lovebird couple, or maybe one of the prospective parents, have not reached the age of adult sex so they do not want to marry or marry.     
  • One prospective parent does not allow mating, for example sickness, lack of desire, or having a disability.     
  • The lovebird pair has the same sex, so it never spawn (male vs. male), or the egg never hatches (female vs. female). Keep in mind, couples of same-sex lovebird sometimes look very good, overlap, even behave like normal partners.

How to deal with a lovebird parent who never mates
After finding the root of the problem, you can take various actions so that the parent lovebird will marry or marry. Consider the following:
  • Make sure the prospective parent is old enough. Although lovebird aged 7-8 months can already mate, choose a prospective parent with a minimum age of 9 months, so that all reproductive organs are fully developed.    
  • Feed variously and nutritiously such as milet, kuaci, canary seed, red grain, and so on.     
  • Give extra fooding (EF) to stimulate the lust of the mother, such as kale, young corn, and pieces of apples given 2-3 times a week.     
  • Give special supplements to captive birds that can help the pairing process and increase the lust of the parent bird so that it can mate and lay eggs faster.     
  • If you use a battery cage, you should not put the spoon first into the cage before the lovebird pair really mates, Gelodok is just put into the cage after the male and female lovebird overlap, so that it will stimulate the loveburd couple to mate and lay eggs in the space provided.     
  • Clean the cage regularly every day. Dirty cages will become a place for parasites and other disease agents to develop, thus disrupting the parent.     
  • Stimulating the parent lovebird so that it can quickly mate and lay eggs can also be done by placing the cattle cage adjacent to another cage containing other lovebird mothers who have mated and laid eggs.

Those are some ways to deal with mother lovebird that never mate. Good practice!